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  • leonieandcol

Wooliana on the Daly River

A great example of what happens when you meet fellow travelers, listen to their stories and are prepared to be flexible. An oasis in the bush was how it was described to us so we went to have a look. What a great spot.

Grass sites among the palm trees with the Daly River 20 metres away. Great fishing but no swimming (photos show why). I even caught a Barramundi and found 2 new fishing buddies :)

OK.. Got to start with this photo. 35cm undersized but hey.- it's a Barramundi
My 1st new fishing buddy. Nearly tripped over him going fishing. Talk about a heart starter. A "Freshy" BUT...
View from my evening fishing spot. Hard to take.
My 2nd new fishing buddy. A "Salty" who swam past my evening fishing spot.


And for a laugh//////

The previous 2 crocs were little ones around 6-7 feet. The Salty that lived across the river was significantly bigger.
2 curious Kite chicks


Next stop Litchfield National Park....



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