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  • leonieandcol

We're Off.... UPDATED at the end...

Updated: Mar 31, 2021

Finally, after 3 weeks of Colin caused delays we are off.

Left home this morning at 9.00AM. Stopped to pick up a coffee for the driver at 9.05AM. Can't rush these things.


MUD MAP II - Due to Biblical style issues In Western NSW (Mouse Plague and Floods) our Mud Map has changed.

Instead of a the previously planned S/W direction to Port Augusta in South Australia we have headed Nth to Rockhampton hung a left and are now heading West to Emerald, Longreach, Mount Isa and through to Tennant Creek in the Nth Territory. It's a considerable amount of back tracking but we are then going south to do Uluru before Nth again to take up our original route. The planned stops in NSW we can do another time.


It is our intent to make this trip as interesting as possible, and, why not start on the first day.

On stopping at our accommodation for the night, (a free camp quarry pit 160klm from Emerald) we have found that the outer layer of the sky light in the roof at the front of the van has shattered. At this stage the inner layer is intact so we should still be water proof.

As it is Saturday we cannot speak to the service people till Monday. Looks like we will be heading back to Rockhampton tomorrow until we find out when/where we can get the repairs done. Two steps forward one step back. It is not an option for us to head home, it took too bloody long to get away, we are not going back.

Got to love it when the unexpected pops up just to make your trip even more interesting.

On the plus side of the ledger, the car and van are travelling very well and the beer is cold.

Stay tuned to, what may turn out to be, the comedic travels of the Wilson's.

This is the UPDATE BIT. :)

The parts have been ordered and with any luck we should have them the week after Easter. Fingers crossed. We have engaged a reputable local caravan repairer to effect the repairs as soon as the parts arrive.

If the timetable above comes about we will be spending Easter and early next week here in Rockhampton. We are staying at the Gracemere Caravan Park which as you can see below is a great little park and as a bonus one of the quietest we have been in.

Our program of activities for our stay will include but not be restricted to local bush walks (did 5 kilometers today over very rocky terrain in the National Park up and down cliffs, almost abseiling actually), the Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Yeppoon and a day trip to Great Keppel Island. We don't think we will be bored. We will post a Blog on our adventures in Rockhampton after our stay.

If transport of the parts takes longer there is always the option of heading off further north to explore. Proserpine/maybe the Whitsundays.

If all goes according to plan (and it hasn't so far) we should be back on the Mud Map (version II) in 10-14 days.

Have a great Easter everyone.



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