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  • leonieandcol

The story so far....

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Many years ago it was the dream to buy a van and travel around this great country of ours. As usual life got in the way of these plans and not until a year or 2 ago did the bug resurface.

One day Leonie found a van. The mighty Penguin. Great fun and enough to whet the appetite.


Then came the 16ft New Age.

Went out to buy a hat and ended up with this little gem (that's a whole other story).

We took this van to The Birdsville and Betoota Races and had a ball. This trip demonstrated to us that this was a lifestyle we would like to pursue.


To cut a long story short on Monday we pick up our new van that we have had built to our specs. An 18ft New Age Manta Ray Adventurer Off Roader.


After 3 vans in less than 2 years we are almost ready to go. Shake down cruise to 1770 for a week to check everything out and then we are off.

We have a broad idea where we want to go - South West from home to Port Augusta SA, Up the centre tp Darwin, across to Broome, down the west coast, across the Nullabor and home (maybe). All the above is COVID reliant of course. Other than that the only thing we have locked in is our stay first night. A winery that does wood fired pizzas and allows free camping on site. After that your guess is as good as ours.


1 Comment

Jan 28, 2021

Who flattened the Van

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