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  • leonieandcol

Sunset Wetlands Cruise

After the fog of the Sunrise Cruise yesterday we were a little apprehensive but the weather had cleared to lay on a brilliant evening cruise. There is a lot of burning off taking place up here at the moment but even the smoke was in the right place to add to the sunset.

I suppose it's a little superfluous but the number and diversity of wildlife in these wetlands (the largest wetland area in Aus.) is mind boggling. On this trip we were especially lucky to see Jabiru and the White-bellied Sea Eagle. Oh, and the odd Croc or two :)

Whistling Kites... There's a million of them
Australian Darter Bird. Feeds by spearing fish. Watching them get them off their beak is hilarious
Sometimes the stars align. Close to my favourite photo of the trip so far.
One minute you see them and then you don't. (video below)
And the Jabiru. This one just had some success. Note the fish in beak.
"Jacana" or "Jesus Bird" so named because it looks like they walk on water.
White-Bellied Sea Eagle. As Raptors go second only in size to the Wedge-Tail Eagle in Aus.
Stretching my lens here but I hope the size of the Jabiru nest comes across.
I'm not standing in the water to take this photo. It's our sister ship.
Managed to catch the birds flying across the sunset. Lucky.


Next stop Jabiru (the place not the bird)



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