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  • leonieandcol


6 days in Perth to explore and do some house-keeping.

Had some minor issues on the van attended too, visited Kings Park, Botanic Gardens and Penguin Island Marine Park and generally had a good look around.

Also found a great little cidery in the Perth Hills (visited twice) and one of the most quirky wineries I've visited in a long while.

Great city with a lot going for it. Easy to see what $$$ billions in mining royalties buys you. Would not move here but would also not complain if forced to move here.

Part view of Perth across the Swan River
Perth Botanical Gardens. Would rival Sydney's in size and beauty.
Flora on display was amazing in variety and colours
Penguin Island
"Little" or "Fairy" Penguin rookery on Penguin Island
Just kicking back
There is also a colony of Sea Lions on Seal Island, near Penguin Island.
We waved... He waved back
2 Sea Lion pups playing
Dolphin mum and calf. Just 2 of the thousands of animals that call the marine park home
And.... A Pelican breeding area as well
You've got to love Pelicans
In 7th heaven. Afternoon tea with scones and cream at the cidery
And..... Another brewery :)


Next stop Denmark near Albany on the South Coast

Thanks for following.



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