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  • leonieandcol

Lake Argyle

Having served our time in solitary we are now out and about exploring the area around the East Kimberly Region.

First stop a full day trip to/on Lake Argyle.

To try and give you some inkling of the vast area that is Lake Argyle I provide the following. The dam wall was completed in 1971 with the lake first deemed full in 1974. It provides water to irrigate almost 20,000 hectares with a final aim of 45,000 hectares. Surface area 980 square kilometres. The lake holds 21 times the water volume of Sydney Harbour at average levels. Full storage volume is 10,700,000,000 cubic metres. The dam has it's own hydro-electric plant which supplies enough power for most of the surrounding area.

It's BIG

The first small lake area above the dam
50% of "Team Wilson". There is a men's shirt out there but we haven't found anyone selling it yet.
The hydro plant at the base of the wall
One of the Rock Wallabies and Joey that live in the caves and crevasses in the cliffs around the lake.

"To those of you who have commented favorably on the photos (many thanks), I can tell you that I am very much loving the camera/lens upgrade kindly approved by the Wilson Corporation Finance Officer while we were in Darwin". For those with a photography bent I stayed "old school" and upgraded my old DSLR to a Canon 77D DSLR (runout sale) and have added a new 18mm-400mm Tamron telephoto lens.

There are Salt Water Crocs down the southern end with Freshies like this one throughout the lake.
Ever get the feeling somethings watching you?
The Lake has it's own, not inconsiderable, islands.

Some of the previous inhabitants, from time to time, can still be seen.
There are over 270 bird species within the lake area
My old mate the Pelican
A Turn of some sort (but not for the worst).
A Kite (No strings attached).
Sunset on one of the Islands.
You don't have to be faster than the Croc chasing you, just faster than the person you're with :)
Sunset from the water
What are the chances of bumping into a Croc on a high cholesterol diet.
Quite a feet to get this shot.
Time to find our way home.


Here in Kununurra till the 3rd August with more to see and do.

Stay tuned.



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