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  • leonieandcol


As you all know we had to spend 14 days in isolation after crossing the NT/WA Border. Again our huge thanks go to Alan and Jan for putting up with us for those 2 weeks and the following 3 weeks while we had a look around the Kununurra area.

While we have dealt with El Questro and Lake Argyle under separate Blogs we also took this time to visit Parry's Lagoon, Wyndham, Mirima National Park (Hidden Valley), and celebrated another Birthday (don't care about the number as long as I keep having them).

Thanks to my nephew Mark who allocated a day as guide to help me in my quest for a legal size Barramundi. While he came away with a nice 65-70cm specimen my quest remains unfulfilled. While it was a lot of fun landing a 80cm Saw Shark (very very carefully de-hooked and released) my Barramundi remains elusive.

Home for 5 weeks
Wyndham from the lookout
Birthday dinner on Lake Kununurra - Survived another year :)
Parry's Lagoon - Bird life was amazing
Mirima National Park

Our fishing spot. Very picturesque including Croc slides in the mud from the other inhabitants.


Next stop Purnululu National Park/Bungle Bungles



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