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  • leonieandcol


Updated: Feb 14, 2021

OK - I think I've got it. If the mood takes you you can comment on our misadventures/adventures below each individual Blog/Post. You can also click on the "comment" note below the Blog/Post photo on the main page. I have tried it and it works so far (except for this page which, it appears, I have accidently turned off), so no need for anyone to test it for me :).

***Departure date now estimated to be 5th March.

Some of our visitors to the site have asked how they can leave comments relating to any of our Blogs? The answer at this time is buggered if I know. There is a comments function somewhere already but apparently it can be made to suit our needs far better and I am yet to find how out how we reply.

On our return home (before we depart on our journey), I plan to rectify this knowledge gap and set up a comments facility. Please bear with me while I try and teach this old dog yet another trick.

On a brighter note it has come as a huge surprise to Leonie and I that we have actually had some visitors. Far more already than we expected. We will continue to make the effort worth your while and at least make the reports on our adventures passably interesting.

Many thanks to those who have shown an interest.



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