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  • leonieandcol

1770 - The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

Left home this morning for 1770 with grand plans of checking out all the "Off Grid" components of the van. We fell at the first hurdle.

For some reason (probably the gods) items on the right side of the van i.e. fridge and hot water system failed to operate on gas. BUGGER. The left side, stove and BBQ worked a treat.

BUT - with no fridge that meant moving to a powered site to keep the beer and wine cold, oh and the food. Solar panel trials will have to wait till we get home.

On the plus side the van and Amarok went brilliantly on the way up and as you can see the view from the front yard is not too shabby.

And - I think I mentioned the BBQ worked fine. Pizza on the BBQ - I'm awaiting a call from Master Chef.

While all did not go according to plan this is not a bad way to finish off the day. When life gives you lemons make limoncello.

So = All is not lost. We have 3 more days here to try and rectify the minor issues and if all else fails the van is booked into Bundaberg New Age for it's first service on the way home.

At the very least we are not sitting at home watching TV and 1770/Agnes Waters is a tough place to be.

Plenty of time to fix all ills and still get away on the big trip by the end of February.

Fingers crossed.

On the plus side 1770 is not a bad place to spend some time and a huge plus for our trip is the performance of the BBQ. Roast lamb last night. It's obvious we won't starve on our way around. :)

So.. This morning we will have another attempt at getting the gas to work on the right side of the van and then we are taking a sight seeing trip to Gladstone.

Stay tuned..



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