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Stuff that's happened or might happen

  • leonieandcol

A great example of what happens when you meet fellow travelers, listen to their stories and are prepared to be flexible. An oasis in the bush was how it was described to us so we went to have a look. What a great spot.

Grass sites among the palm trees with the Daly River 20 metres away. Great fishing but no swimming (photos show why). I even caught a Barramundi and found 2 new fishing buddies :)

OK.. Got to start with this photo. 35cm undersized but hey.- it's a Barramundi
My 1st new fishing buddy. Nearly tripped over him going fishing. Talk about a heart starter. A "Freshy" BUT...
View from my evening fishing spot. Hard to take.
My 2nd new fishing buddy. A "Salty" who swam past my evening fishing spot.


And for a laugh//////

The previous 2 crocs were little ones around 6-7 feet. The Salty that lived across the river was significantly bigger.
2 curious Kite chicks


Next stop Litchfield National Park....

  • leonieandcol

320 Kilometres SE of Darwin Katherine is known as the place "Where the outback meets the Tropics" (thanks Wikipedia). Home to Katherine Gorge and 60klms north to Edith Falls. We also visited a number of indigenous art galleries and had a great night at Marksies's Stockman's Bush Camp dinner.

Part 1. - Katherine Gorge

Don't say we are not educational
Cute hey - These little guys are everywhere
Only a "Freshie" or Johnson River Croc. They do get "Salties" here but not today.
Wouldn't hurt a fly....
Jedda's Rock from the old Australian movie "Jedda"

The day after our tour on the boat through 2 of the gorges we came back to do the rim walk. Not a lot, 5klms up hill and down again.

Just as stunning from up here.
The first bit was stairs. It did not last
Anyone want to buy a slightly used pair of knees.
Palms in the outback - go figure
How long till that falls do you reckon. Should I wait???
Pretending to admire the view. Really just catching my breath.

Part 2 - Edith Falls

Possibly the best swimming we have had this trip.

1.6klms walk in and out again but worth every step.
Yes there is a theme
This is not photoshopped - Leonie is in the water - again:)
Note the hat - trying to catch that elusive photo and sun safe.
Who says the Australian bush is drab???


Some house keeping tomorrow and then off bush again to the Daly River and then on to the Litchfield National Park. Might be off the grid for a while.

  • leonieandcol

3 nights staying at Mataranka Homestead with a visit to Bitter Springs.

The famous thermal springs are a must on anyone's tour. A relaxing few days to wash off the dust. A few Coopers Extra Stout did the same thing for Col's throat. :)

The walk into the Pools at Mataranka
Self explanatory really
Old rockers all over 60-70 best guess. Music was great.
All wrinkly - and that was before we got in. :)
They take COVID very seriously up here....
Me trying to be artsy

Katherine next....

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