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Stuff that's happened or might happen

  • leonieandcol

As residents of the east coast we still can't get our heads around the sun going down over the ocean. OK, the term "Slow Learners" is accepted but still - it goes down over the ocean, Having hugged the coast recently this is the norm so we will keep the sunset photos to a minimum.



Half a million acres in total including a small tourist enterprise which started with three mud huts. This quickly grew to the buzzing hub that it is today, catering for thousands of campers embarking on a Kimberley quest.

This year it included the Wilson's. One of whom caught 2 fish (neither big enough to keep and were returned to the deep). The quest for a legal fish in WA goes on.

View from the walk-way down to the beach
It goes down over the ocean!!!!!
Rock formations behind the Beach. At times the sand is red.


Eighty Mile Beach lies along the north-west coast of Western Australia about half-way between the towns of Broome and Port Hedland. It is a beach some 220 kilometres in length, renowned as Australia's longest "uninterrupted beach". Leonie loved the caravan park - 1st time we've had grass for 4 months.

Romantic walks on the Beach - A must.
Leonie, the photo bomber...
What every well dressed fisherman wears.
Small Racehorse Goanna that decided to visit and enjoy the shade under Leonie's chair.
I managed to get the beach (light bit), the sea (darker bit) and the stars. :)
The absence of light up here makes night shots a breeze.
Poor little shark. Lots of fun but not what I was after - back he went.
The colours at dusk. AMAZING.

Thanks for following. Next stop Marble Bar (hottest town in Australia), then Port Headland.

  • leonieandcol

After a few days in Broome we headed north to the Dampier Peninsula.

Our camp site at Pender Bay Escape

"Pender Pay Escape" - 30 kilometres of dirt and soft sand off the bitumen brought us to one of the most idyllic places we have camped. As you can tell by our campsite we had no power or water. We are set up for off grid camping using our solar, lpg gas and tank water - worked a treat!!!

I went fishing and NO, did not catch anything. Closest I got was a 50-60cm nurse shark that decided to swim around my feet while I was knee deep. Fun but no cigar.

We did, however, enjoy our swim each day in crystal clear turquoise water of the bay - bliss. A fire every night under the stars wasn't too shabby either :-)

View from our camp site 1st night
No. Can't walk on water. Long lens from the other side of the bay.

Ahhhh. The serenity
Sunset from the beach
Early evening with some bushfire haze on the horizon


Kooljaman Camp Site - After 5 nights at Pender Bay, on the advice of fellow campers, we decided we had to go further Nth. to Cape Leveque staying at Kooljaman Camp Site.

Due to the condition of the road in no caravans allowed so we left ours at a nearby bush camp and booked 2 nights in a "Deluxe Safari Tent" (very posh). Col got to practice his nighttime photography (we were both pretty happy with the results).

The Western Beach was amazing with the ochre coloured rocks, white sand and beautiful blue water, however swimming was not allowed due to the strong currents. Lucky for us the Eastern Beach was safe, more beautiful white sand and crystal clear water made for a few fun swims during our short time there. No crocs, apparently the sharks keep them away. :-)

A lucky bonus for us at Kooljaman was the café, spending more time at Pender Bay than we anticipated and not originally intending to go any further north we were running out of food. Still had plenty of alcohol for

Col though :-) lucky for us food at the café was great!!!!!!

Time for a walk on the beach before check in
The colours were amazing...
The view from our humble abode.

Moonrise around 10pm
Moonlight starting to wash the stars out


Now in Broome for a couple of nights to re-stock before heading South. Next stop. Barn Hill Station.

Thanks for checking in.

  • leonieandcol

Dear Loyal Followers - With this blog we have at all times previously, tried to be brief and succinct.

This ain't one of those times.

According to Sir David Attenborough, The Horizontal Falls should be a "Natural Wonder of the World". Interestingly, he actually coined the phrase "Horizontal Falls", they were originally known as "The Gaps".

The videos and photos of this humble post/VLOG will not do them justice. Please excuse the information/description provided below but we felt it necessary for you to get a full understanding of this amazing phenomenon.

This 24hr trip will remain a highlight of our lives for whatever time we have left.

The Horizontal Falls are one of the most amazing natural features of the Kimberley region. The tidal waterfalls located deep within Talbot Bay in the Buccaneer Archipelago are unlike any other waterfall, the water passes horizontally.

Although they are called waterfalls, this natural phenomenon actually consists of intense tidal currents hurtling through two narrow coastal gorges. Massive tidal movements create a waterfall effect as water banks up against one side of the narrow cliff passage, to be repeated again on the turning tide.

The twin gaps are part of the McLarty Ranges, which have two ridges running parallel approximately 300 metres apart. The first and most seaward gap is about 20 metres wide and the second, most spectacular, gap is about 10 metres wide.

It is possible to drive boats through the two gaps to the inland sea behind. The tides in this area have a 10 metre variation (the second highest in the world, only Nova Scotia has a higher tide), which occurs over six and a half hours from low tide to high tide and vice versa. The effect of the waterfalls is created by the tide building up in front of the gaps faster than it can flow through them and there can be a four metre high waterfall between the bays.


We have broken this edition into 4 parts so you can consume at your leisure - Enjoy


Part "The First" - We have combined the Seaplane flight in and out for expediency.


Part "The Second" - Included in the package was a helicopter sightseeing tour of the immediate region. While both Leonie and I have been in helicopters before they have been of the larger military type. This one was not.


Part "The Third" - The Falls themselves.

We've tried but this video does not go close to showing just how awesome the Horizontal Falls are. We hope it gives you some semblance of the experience.


Part "The Fourth" - Odds and Sods

The program for our stay

Tawny Nurse Shark at the back of our boat = Later we swim with them

Our Cabin

Our Houseboat where we slept and took all meals

More fishing but no catching
This is rock in torment
Do we look happy? Yes we do.
Sunset from the cocktail deck

That's All Folks - Thanks for watching

Next stop - Broome

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