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Stuff that's happened or might happen

  • leonieandcol

Just when everything looked like it was all go.....

Went to have 4 skin cancers removed today (part of my ongoing weight loss program). With stitch removal in 10-14 days all was on track to leave first week in March.

3 were done no problem, 2 burnt off/1 surgically removed, (local anesthetic wearing off so this will be short.). Another drink please.


Nothing too serious but the 4th turned out to be more problematic and requires a Skin Graft. This is now scheduled for 4th March. We then have to wait 2 weeks to make sure the graft takes. Fingers crossed. Not going to think too long on the process if it doesn't.

Blast off now scheduled for late March.


So as not to tempt fate any further we have decided not to bore you with any more posts till we are on the road.

See you then.

  • leonieandcol

So this is our very broad (COVID dependent) plan of attack, (not a plan really, just a very hazy statement of intent, subject to change at any time or on any whim).

Yes, we know the trip planning currently ends in Mildura. We haven't decided yet which way we will be heading home.


The first thing that is evident from our mud map, is although we have set no time constraints, there is so much of the country we ARE NOT going to see on this trip.


General consensus from travellers who have done this before is that no matter how much time we spend we will never see everything, So this trip is our "suck it and see" outing.

As occurred during our Birdsville Races trip the other factor is listening and taking advice from locals and fellow travelers. The phrase, "Oh you should make sure you visit "such and such" is going to impact heavily on our journey. Our side trip to the Betoota Races started over a beer at the local.

Currently the trip is sitting on 18,000 kilometers but our best guess is that we will end up doing closer to 30,000.

Thanks to "WikiCamps" we have identified "Caravan Parks" (Pink) and "Free Camps" (Green) that we have researched and set as "possible" stays. We would have included "Points of Interest" but there are just too many. We would not have been able to see the rest of the map.

So, we have a couple of loose ends to tie up and if all comes together we should be on our way early March, first stop Kingaroy.

  • leonieandcol

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

OK - I think I've got it. If the mood takes you you can comment on our misadventures/adventures below each individual Blog/Post. You can also click on the "comment" note below the Blog/Post photo on the main page. I have tried it and it works so far (except for this page which, it appears, I have accidently turned off), so no need for anyone to test it for me :).

***Departure date now estimated to be 5th March.

Some of our visitors to the site have asked how they can leave comments relating to any of our Blogs? The answer at this time is buggered if I know. There is a comments function somewhere already but apparently it can be made to suit our needs far better and I am yet to find how out how we reply.

On our return home (before we depart on our journey), I plan to rectify this knowledge gap and set up a comments facility. Please bear with me while I try and teach this old dog yet another trick.

On a brighter note it has come as a huge surprise to Leonie and I that we have actually had some visitors. Far more already than we expected. We will continue to make the effort worth your while and at least make the reports on our adventures passably interesting.

Many thanks to those who have shown an interest.

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